Writing Samples

  • "Altars of Sacrifce" nonfiction personal essay

    This piece was published in Cup of Comfort for Single Mothers, and it was chosen as the best essay in the volume for a $500 prize.  The editor, Colleen Sell, posted it as a personal favorite on the Cup of Comfort website, and you can read it here.
  • "Finding a Voice" nonfiction personal essay

    This essay was published in Power Moms:  Chicken Soup for the Soul.  Later, BeliefNet reprinted it on their site, so you can read it here
  • "Journaling through Motherhood" nonfiction essay

    A piece with longevity -- one of the first essays I published, one of a series of "how to write about motherhood" essays. It's still one of my favorites because I feel like the mix of the personal and the expert "how to" voices works.  You can read it at Pregnancy and Baby here