Sunday, October 01, 2006

Inalienable Rights of Children

To hold adults accountable for abusing them or allowing abuse to continue.

To enjoy the same legal and constitutional rights adults enjoy.

To have a guardian advocate oversee the work of the system for them exclusively.

To have legal matters pertaining to their protection heard by a judge other than the one hearing their parents' divorce case.

To have their case heard by a judge trained and experienced in the full effects of child sexual abuse and child development.

To hold an accused parent responsible for proving visitation would be good for them, rather than hold the protecting parent responsible for proving it might cause harm.

To see their convicted abusers punished under the full extent of the law rather than have sentences mitigated because the victim was a child or family member.

To be examined by doctors and experts who have extensive experience and training in child-sexual-abuse issues.


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