Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I was hanging out at Single Minded Women, and I ran across a review by Melissa Chapman of A Cup of Comfort for Single Mothers. I was pleased to see the review, and even more flattered to find that Colleen Sell, the energetic editor of the Cup of Comfort series, had some nice things to day about my piece. From the review:

One of Sell's favorites is "Altars of Sacrifice," by Amy Hudock which is the quintessential lament of single mothers everywhere and gives voice to the many sacrifices most single mothers make,being stretched so thin -- physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually, mentally --that virtually nothing is left for themselves. Then, in the middle of yet another sleepless night for this single Mom, comes an aha moment.

This beleaguered woman -- who yearns for pleasure, peace, and partnership, but for years has been unable to envision, much less take a single step toward, those desires -- realizes that, while she has been riding the tide of responsibility and worry, she has become an observer of her own life, rather than its captain and champion.And she decides, literally and figuratively, to get back in the saddle again.

As Amy eloquently writes in her story: “Maybe I haven't been ready, and I needed the time to sit and watch. But the fact that I am even wondering about why I am still sitting here suggests that I am no longer content being an observer. I need to dust off my saddle and find my boots. Jumping a horse is the closest thing to flying I have ever known. Perhaps if I remember how to fly, I will remember how to sleep—and once I'm able to sleep again, maybe I can allow myself to dream.”

Thanks, Colleen and Melissa. You made this single mom's day! I wrote this story years ago, and the good news is: I did start riding again -- both literally and figuratively. The writing about it helped me understand how important it was to do it.

You can read the rest of the review here....

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