Monday, December 15, 2008

You should check out "The Subject of Single Mothers," a book review by Judith Stadtman Tucker of the Mother's Movement Online. Judith Stadtman Tucker also co-edited (with Andrea O'Reilly) the forthcoming book Mothering a Movement.

She asks in the review: "Are single moms victims of bad luck or trendsetters? Self-determined survivors or sluts?" which, to me, is an interesting question. We're depicted in the media in these narrow terms -- but we know we're so much more. The authors of these books know, too.

The books reviewed:

Single Mother:
The Emergence of the Domestic Intellectual

By Jane Juffer, New York University Press, 2006

Unsung Heroines:
Single Mothers and the American Dream

By Ruth Sidel, University of California Press, 2006

Promises I Can Keep:
Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage

By Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas, University of California Press, 2005

To continue reading this review...

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