Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I didn't know who else was in CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL: POWER MOMS, then I watched this trailer. And I found out: I have an essay in the same book as Jodi Picoult. Gulp. I feel kinda woosey.

I was a Women’s Studies professor at the University of California at Berkeley when I became pregnant. I ended up leaving academia and staying home with my daughter for two years. When I suddenly found myself a single mom, I went back to teaching at the University of South Carolina, where I had received my Ph. D. in English and Women’s Studies. The essay in Power Moms tells the story of my first day back in the library as a researcher. While looking at the books around me, I consider how having been a stay-at-home mom can make me a better professor.

This book contains 101 great stories from mothers who have made the choice to stay home, or work from home, while raising their families. These multi-tasking, high-performing women have become today's Power Moms. Every stay-at-home and work-from-home mom will view this book as having been written just for her. Perfect for book groups, it will contain a reader guide.

Wendy Walker, author of Four Wives and The Queen of Suburbia, edited the book. She has become the go-to media expert on women leaving the workforce to raise their families and run their homes. She describes the book, “Author Jodi Picoult writes about her early years as a stay-home mom and writer. Lynne Spears writes about raising Britney. Mary Himes, wife of Congressman Jim Himes, writes about the sudden change in her life. Other moms write about making their decision to quit their paying jobs, and how they manage to afford it by digging coins from the couch cushions to pay the bills. There are doctors and lawyers, teachers and actresses, all doing the same job day in and day out – providing the primary care for their kids.”

The book will be released March 24.

Read more about the book at Wendy Walker's site.

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