Sunday, February 22, 2009

This review convinced me. I'm ordering this book today!

Review By Sara Sklaroff
The Washington Post

CHILD CARE TODAY: Getting It Right for Everyone
By Penelope Leach
Alfred A. Knopf. 350 pp. $25.95

Penelope Leach, the British psychologist and author of "Your Baby and Child," the one book that's always on my bedside table, has published an exhaustive new study on the best way to take care of kids and how parents in Western nations are currently doing it. "Child Care Today: Getting it Right for Everyone" is as ambitious as its subtitle suggests. It also comes at a moment when the country seems more worried about the fate of the "octomom" and her 14 children than about how the rest of the nation's parents are able to manage their one or two or three. That's a shame, because what's clear from Leach's book is that the United States could be doing a lot better.



Amy Sue Nathan said...

Your blog came through on my Google Alerts -- can't believe I haven't seen it before. I'm a single mom in Chicago - and a writer. Going to poke around here and read...lots of good stuff. I'm a long time reader and admirer of Literary Mama and am writer-friends with both Rachel Sarah and Gail Konop Baker. I love connecting with other single moms - and other writers. I don't often find the combo! I'll also have an essay published in A Cup of Comfort for New Mothers.

I look forward to reading more of your work and blog.

Amy Hudock said...

Thanks, Amy. I checked out your blog, too. Very nice. I'm going to read around there as well. Great to meet other single mom writers. You're right -- there aren't many of us around!!!