Friday, March 06, 2009


Single moms are getting bashed in the media because critics claim fathers are important in their children's lives. I completely agree. But I don't agree that all fathers (or mothers, for that matter) are necessarily good for their children. Or that all marriages are good for their children. Biological connection doesn't make a parent good. Nor does a wedding ring make a home stable. This writer says it well.

Some Single Parents ‘Can Get It Right
Thursday, 05 March 2009
Macon County News

I wholly agree with Mr. Crockett that children do “have a right to be nourished and maintained by both parents, till they are able to provide for themselves.” Children also have a right to live in an environment that is not weighted down with hostility, violence, drunkenness, drug abuse or other ills found in society today. The point Mr. Crockett is missing, the decision to divorce is very painful; it is not be made casually or in haste.

In every action of our daily lives, we are molding our children’s futures. If we drive drunk, use drugs, spend family money on cigarettes and alcohol rather than groceries and medical care, we teach our children to be irresponsible. If we tolerate emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, we teach our children it’s acceptable to be abused. If we tolerate infidelity in our marriage, we teach our children they don’t deserve better from their spouse. Yes, by divorcing, we set an example for our children . . .


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great points. I'm very greatful to my father for taking over as a single parent when I was 4 and raising me by himself. He was the far better parent (if my 1/2 brother, who was raised by my mother, is any indication).
Of course I should thank my mother too. If she hadn't abandoned me while my father was away he would never have been able to win custody of me.