Wednesday, March 18, 2009

For me, oil changes happen . . . well, sporadically. I could use some help, for sure, as could many other single mothers. Brian Smith of the Register News Writer in Richmond, KY, reports on a southern church practicing the values it preaches -- by supporting single mothers:

Rain may have dampened the First Baptist Church parking lot Saturday morning, but it couldn’t dampen the spirits of the volunteers who turned out for the church’s second “Single Mom’s Oil Change.” The event provides a free oil change for single mothers, and in drier weather, a car wash as well.

Jeff Prosser, associate pastor at the church, said even if the rain kept turnout low, the event was still a success.

“Even if just one mother shows up, that makes it all worthwhile,” Prosser said.

The church had 70 cars come through for the first event in September, Prosser said, and volunteers were expecting a similar turnout Saturday.

Continue reading . . .

I know I often post about the hypocrisy of some religious organizations. It's nice to catch 'em proving me wrong.

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