Monday, March 16, 2009


Ask Me About My Divorce: Women Open Up About Moving On Edited by Candace Walsh. Seal, $15.95 paper (250p) ISBN 978-1-58005-276-4

In keeping with the almost defiant title, this collection of 29 essays is a mixture of ballsy and introspective, humorous and bleak—though never bleak for long. Though individual and quirky, these essays share a theme. As Julie Hammonds writes pithily in “The Love List”: “What to do next with my life? Where to go? Who to become? Big questions, fear inducing.” She decided to travel solo for six months. And while the economic effects of divorce are all too real, each woman has a chance to become stronger, more herself. As Marrit Ingman says with delightful economy in “Breakup Buddies,” “Our fortunes declined. But at the same time, our struggles had a reason, at last. Bad odds were better than no chance at all.” Editor Walsh (Moving to New York) steps up the honesty in revealing that she left her unhappy marriage after falling in love with her female therapist, ultimately finding her true love via These stories of exploration and change, whether tentative or bold, will inspire readers who are questioning their own status. (Due out in June)

1 comment:

Single Mom Seeking said...

Oooh, I can't wait to read your essay!! Congrats!

Maybe I can give this away on my blog? Should I contact Andie?
