Wednesday, April 01, 2009


FROM MOMS RISING: I'm willing to bet that every single person in this country has a story about a time they, or someone they know, needed -- really needed -- to take time away from work to welcome a new baby or to address a family crisis. I know I do: I took time after my son was born. My friend took time when her daughter got critically injured, and my cousin took time when his mother needed intensive care near the end of her life.

Each of us will likely be required, at some point in our lives, to look after someone we love. But we don't have any system to deal with the economic hardship that comes with these needs like the majority of other countries in the world do. That means that the birth of a baby or a family crisis too often puts people on the fast track to poverty (In fact, having a baby is indeed a leading cause of "poverty spells" in our nation).

It doesn't have to be this way. Studies show that policies like paid family leave cut wage gaps between women and men, drop infant mortality, and stop family poverty: It's time!

Tell your Congressperson to co-sponsor the Family Leave Insurance Act today!

Family Leave insurance works like Unemployment Insurance: Individuals and their employers pay a very small amount into an insurance fund. Then, when folks need to be away from work in critical times, they are able to collect insurance to help make ends meet. This simple program will keep families out of poverty, bankruptcy, or worse. And, we'll all have healthier, happier families.

In an economic crisis, the argument for Paid Family Leave becomes all the more powerful. Studies show that policies like paid family leave cut wage gaps between women and men, drop infant mortality, and stop family poverty. Research has found that countries with family-friendly policies in place like paid family leave have lower wage gaps between women and men. Closing the wage gap is important because the wage gaps mothers face are huge, and they significantly contribute to family poverty: Women without kids make about 90, women with kids make about 73, and single moms make about 60 cents per a man's dollar. In addition, studies show that paid family leave lowers infant mortality: One study found that infant mortality drops by up to 25% with paid leave-and that there isn't any significant impact in the mortality rates from unpaid leave. Since despite spending the most on healthcare per capita of any nation in the world, the U.S. ranks a low 43rd in infant mortality, we should be pursuing all possible avenues to lower infant mortality. Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance is one such clear avenue toward improvement.

Don't forget to tell your Congressperson that we need Family Leave Insurance now!

The benefits of Family Leave Insurance to businesses are clear, too. A New Jersey study found that employers would benefit from Paid Family Leave by increasing employee retention and decreasing costly employee turnover. Studies show that 98% of employees return to work for the same employer after taking their longest family and medical leave. Businesses also profit from higher productivity, greater morale, and reduced absenteeism.

There's a movement growing in the U.S. for family economic security, and you are a part of it. Together, we have won paid family leave laws in New Jersey and Washington State. And, thanks to your advocacy, Paid Family Leave bills are being introduced in Congress more now than ever before. You're speaking out, and our legislators are listening. But we have to keep the momentum going. Believe it or not, there are legislators who still don't understand that Family Leave Insurance is critical to ensuring the economic security of all families, and that it won't break the back of businesses. It's our job together to tell our leaders that this is a problem that won't go away without their leadership and action.

Passing Family Leave insurance will help every single family in this country. Tell Congress today that this program matters to you -- and forward this email to your friends so they can take action too. It's going to take all of us, together, to change the world and help our children and families grow up in a better country.

Take action today!

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