Monday, July 27, 2009

Robot Hearts: Twisted and True Tales of Seeking Love in the Digital Age

We want your true stories of dating and mating in the 21st century. Have you had a funny, strange or horrifying experience with online matchmaking services? Had a cybersex encounter of the weirdest kind? Conducted your relationship mostly online?Been victim of a text-message break-up? Whether you’re living happily ever after or continue to be digitally dumped, you’ve got a story we may want to publish!

We are looking for thoughtful-yet-humorous nonfiction pieces that focus on the uniqueness of trying to make a human connection in this digital age. We are interested in the ideas of love and technology intertwined, for better or for worse. Is dating now so very different from the days of our ancestors? Does courtship still exist in the world of instant-everything? Have ideas of romance changed even within your lifetime? Has technology enhanced or intercepted your chances at a loveconnection? Has progress gotten in the way of your more primal instincts? The world wants to know!


All essays should be of the true and personal nature, written in the first-person. Focus on one or a few selected events in your life; do not send rants or political speeches. Stories should be titled. Essays should be between 1000 – 5000 words, double spaced, paginated and word-processed. No funky fonts, please.

Please include a brief bio (1-3 sentences) at the end of your submission.

Deadline: Dec 31st, 2009

Please send your submissions to:

Writers chosen for the book will be contacted early in 2010. Their selected stories will be published in an anthology shortly thereafter. Each contributor receives two free copies of the finished book, will be included in publicity promoting the book and will be invited to read at literary events associated with the release of the book. Books will be available on, bookstores and our company website.


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