Monday, July 27, 2009

Tarnished: True Tales of Innocence Lost

We want your true stories about your loss of innocence. Have you ever asked, “is that all there is?” When did you first realize that you were no longer a child? What happened to make you realize that life wasn’t always beautiful, and how did you handle it? When did you lose your romantic notions of fairytale love? What happened to change the way you view the world? Each of us has a moment or experience that changed everything and you may have a story that we want to publish.


All essays should be nonfiction narratives, written in the first-person. Focus on one or a few selected events in your life; do not send rants or political speeches. Stories should be titled. Essays should be between 1000 – 5000 words, double spaced, paginated and word-processed. No funky fonts, please.

Please include a brief bio (1-3 sentences) at the end of your submission.

Deadline: March 1, 2010

Please send your submissions to:

Writers chosen for the book will be contacted by May 1, 2010. Their selected stories will be published in an anthology to be released fall 2010. Each contributor receives two free copies of the finished book, will be included in publicity promoting the book and will be invited to read at literary events associated with the release of the book. Books will be available on and our company website.

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