Sunday, December 28, 2008

My friend David Facer over at Activate Potential tells us "I am not the least bit interested in your resolutions. Show me your plans!" And he's right. Resolutions tend to be vague wish lists. What he wants is specific evidence of planning.

And this is something busy single moms need to hear. I want to do more writing and get more published. So, here's my list of what I have done so far to make 2009 a great year:

* I have registered for a writers conference in February
* I have set aside an hour a day for e-mail, Facebook, and blogging -- and another hour for writing on my book project
* I have a chapter by chapter outline of the current book project, four chapters written, and started on a fifth
* I made Literary Mama an LCC

I know I need to do more -- but this is a start!

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